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Guide on how to buy gold jewelry

24 May, 2024

Basically, 3 groups of people (especially women) open the doors of jewelry galleries and enter the world of gold and luxury jewelry. The first group are those who are very interested in their appearance and these items are an integral part of their daily lives, parties and celebrations. The second category consists of those who consider the purchase of valuable jewelry as the best and safest savings, and the third category consists of a combination of two groups.

Undoubtedly, you are one of these 3 groups who have chosen to read these article because of your interest in gold and jewelry and becoming more familiar with this industry. If you want to always shine in a group, Experience a safe investment and most importantly increase your fortune every day, these lines will be the best guide to a good decision.

Fashion & Jewelry industry

Fashion has already been applied in the jewelry industry and we always see new designs from the designers of this industry. Unlike previous years when white gold was very popular, this year the designers of the jewelry industry have used yellow and rose gold in their designs to boost the industry and create more variety. For those who follow fashion, buying these colors is more recommended than white gold. The use of gold on leather and the use of artificial stones is also one of the ways that, in addition to creating style, allows gold lovers to provide an up-to-date gold jewelry suitable for themselves or as a gift.

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The important point is the issue of gold production wages, which is in fact the price paid in addition to the weight of gold for its production. Some gold jewelry is less expensive than others.

There are several reasons for this, and one of these reasons could be the novelty of the design and the novelty of the collection of that particular design of gold.

Also, buying gold with jewels can have its own rules and depending on the type of jewel and its weight, it can affect the price of gold.

Fashion & Jewelry industry

The next point about buying gold is the issue of carat gold, which some people still do not know exactly.

Simply put, pure gold (24 carat gold) is not suitable for use in the jewelry industry due to its great softness and formability, and therefore this gold grade is used only for gold bars.

In different countries, the cutter standard for making jewelry is different.

For example, most European countries make their jewelry with 12 to 14 carat gold.

If you ever come across 750 or 705 hacked numbers when buying a gold ring, you should know that it means 18 and 17 carats.

Brands like Bvlgari or Tiffany are among the top jewelry brands in the world, but their high price and limited production market is limited to a certain class of people. Currently, the jewelry industry in countries such as Turkey, Italy and Thailand has diversified due to the support of the government of these countries and its designers. Although Italy is one of the most important countries in the field of jewelry, but now in terms of variety of design, production volume, and quality of work, Hong Kong is the first in the world. At Amin Jewelers, we promise you that you can experience your desired purchase with a high variety here at a reasonable price.

In general, we have 4 types of precious stones (diamond, emerald, sapphire and ruby) and a large number of semi-precious stones such as amethyst, citrine, topaz, etc., which turn a simple gold structure into a jewelry.

What stone to prioritize when buying jewelry or to determine the quality of the stone is the concern of many jewelry buyers; In general, gemstone is valuable for 3 reasons. Beauty and radiance, scarcity and durability.

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Diamond stone, is higher in brilliance and durability than other stones, and since it has been well managed since the beginning of exploration, it has a good supply and demand, but emerald and sapphire stones are rarer and their high quality is of great value which makes them more and more expensive, but it is beyond the ordinary people to determine the quality of all stones. For example, you may buy a diamond ring that the seller will charge a lot of money for the stone that has been worked on, but when you want to sell it, you will find that the diamond used in the ring is poor quality, due to bad cutting, impurities, etc., and is not worth the money you paid. To avoid this problem, the only way left is to buy from reputable jewelry stores that guarantees the purchased item.

Recognize second-hand gold from its lock!

The second-hand gold market has been going on for a long time; distinguishing first-hand and second-hand gold may be somewhat difficult. The easiest way to identify second-hand gold is to look at its appearance, especially the locks and straps used. In second-hand gold, these parts are less shiny compared to other parts, and due to the uses of gold, scratches can be seen in these parts.

second-hand gold

How to distinguish gold from silver and platinum?

It is easy to distinguish gold from silver and platinum. As a general principle, most gold is loaded with the English letter K next to a number that indicates its grade. Silver is stamped with an oval mark and platinum is marked with the letters PT, so you do not have to work hard to tell the difference.

Familiarity with colored gold

Generally, the first image that comes to mind when we name gold is a yellow metal, but gold is available in different colors. Gold is actually supplied in various colors during various chemical processes and after combining with other metals and plating operations. For example, if gold is combined with copper alloys by chemical processes, red gold, if combined with palladium or silver, white gold, and if combined with indium, blue gold is formed. Creating colored compounds from gold has recently become one of the ways to boost the industry and has received a lot of attention from manufacturers.

Cost of making jewelry

The cost of making jewelry varies depending on whether it is machine-made or hand-made. Hand-made jewelry in lower circulation has a higher price and machine-made jewelry has a lower price.

Another important point in buying jewelry is knowing whether you want to use your jewelry on a daily basis, or only at important parties and gatherings. If you are going to buy jewelry and gold for your daily use, you should pay attention to the fact that heavy gold is more durable and strong. It is true that you pay a higher price for buying gold, which is heavier, but you will have more confidence in your daily use of your jewelry.

One of the most important issues when buying expensive jewelry is receiving the sales invoice. You can not sell your jewelry later without having a sales invoice. Some other jewelry is also very expensive and this type of jewelry must have a special identity card. So pay attention to this as well.

One of the best options for a birthday gift is to buy gold. The gift of gold is usually taken for the dearest people in life and shows your attention and love for that person.

Cost of making jewelry

No doubt most people will be happy with such a gift; Because throughout history, this precious metal has been a valuable gift to others and is still known around the world as the most popular ornamental metal.

For this purpose, you do not necessarily need to buy a gold service with gemstones, the price of which is very high.

Sometimes even buying a gold ring with a jewel or buying a simple necklace can create that wave of joy and enthusiasm in the other person.

This gift is usually one of the lasting gifts and is well kept as a souvenir by you.

Another advantage of buying gold as a gift is that it increases in value over time.

This type of gift will never decrease in value and price and may increase in value over time.

This lasting gift can be a lasting memory for years to come, and it is not a gift that will ever be worthless to the other person.