Buying a ring based on the shape of your fingers is one of the smartest things you can do when shopping for wedding accessories. Because it helps the ring to look more beautiful in the hand.
Royal weddings around the world have always had a significant impact on the fashion industry and wedding ceremonies as well as engagement rings; but in choosing an engagement ring, in addition to the beauty of the shiny rings, you should also pay attention to the shape of your fingers.
In fact, the first rule that everyone should follow is that the engagement ring should fit the shape of the hand.
In this regard, it is better to try different styles. Although this is a bit time consuming but do not doubt that it is worth it. Some models and cuts of engagement rings can enhance the unique features of your hand and make it look better and more beautiful.
In this article, we will help you to buy the ring based on the shape of your fingers in the best possible way. Stay tuned to the Amin jeweler blog.
Determine the size of the fingers and the overall shape of the hands
The first thing you need to do to buy a ring based on the shape of your fingers is to determine the shape of your hand by considering the length and width of your fingers as well as the overall size of your hand.
Do not forget to consider your nails; because long nails make the fingers look more elongated.
So you need to give yourself a lot of opportunities to play with a variety of models to reach your desired circle. This is because most of the rings in the hand are very different from the ones on the screen.
Do not be afraid to consult with others and ask for their opinion! Buying an engagement ring is something that can only happen once in your life. So take the time to make the right decision. You should know that designers or sellers have seen many categories in different shapes and sizes, and as a result, they can offer you suitable models.
You also need to make sure that the ring is measured correctly; the engagement ring should not be so tight as to irritate your finger and not loose enough to move and rotate easily.
Buy a ring based on the shape of your fingers
Engagement ring for short fingers
To make short fingers look elongated, look for rings designed with elongated stones such as oval stones or slices like a pear. Also, rings with narrow stirrups along with long nails make the finger appear elongated.
Engagement ring for outstretched fingers
Those with long fingers are very lucky because they can easily wear and try rings with bold and bold designs, such as snake patterns that make their way to the finger.
There are also rings with large stones suitable for elongated handles, which can be the best excuse to wear rings designed with diamonds or emeralds. This model makes a person feel proud and happy.
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Engagement ring for slim fingers
If you are one of those people who have narrow toes, it is better to avoid wearing rings that have used small stones on a thin stirrup to make the ring look wider.
Also, rings on which the stone is designed in the shape of a pear or a drop are a good option for people who have thin but short fingers because they make their hands look elongated.
Engagement ring for wide fingers
When buying a ring based on the shape of your fingers, if you have wide fingers, try to avoid wearing rings with small, narrow stones; because in this model of rings, the skin of the hand is too visible on both sides of the ring, which will lead to the enlargement of your finger. Instead, use rings with large round stones or clustered styles on a medium or thick pedal, which are also very impressive.
Also, asymmetrical and angular shapes such as engagement rings with emerald green cuts can make the finger appear thinner.
Buy rings based on hand shape
Engagement rings for small groups
Those who have small hands, it is better to choose the stone on the ring according to the size of their hand. For example, rings with delicate round or heart-shaped stones. Also, princess rings can be a good option for these people.
It is interesting to know that very thin and narrow rings look more on larger and elongated handles, while rings with fine and small stones in any model look more attractive on smaller handles . However, if you are interested in delicate and thin rings, pair it with a wider wedding ring to make it look more stylish.
Engagement rings for large groups
Unlike previous people, if people with big hands wear delicate rings, it looks like they are holding a toy ring! Do not forget that large and bold rings are designed for you. Do not be afraid to wear these glamorous rings, but you can wear them with confidence and always shine.
Be sure to look for models that have a large rock in the heart of the ring. Also, if you have full hands, strongly avoid the narrow and delicate stirrup of the gold ring.
Engagement rings for square handles and fingers
In the following guide to buying rings based on the shape of the fingers, we suggest people who have square shaped hands to use rings that are decorated with round stones. To make the angular shape and corners of their hands less visible.
In other words, instead of princess rings, wear rings designed with round, oval or pear-shaped jewelry and stones because it creates a more attractive and stylish look.
It does not matter if you are planning to buy for yourself or your fiancé, it is important that you follow all the rules and principles I have written above when buying a ring based on the shape of your fingers. This guide will make the engagement ring look more beautiful on your hands.
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Of course, we also agree that in the end, choosing a ring is a matter of taste and no specific rule should be defined for it. So if your favorite ring does not comply with any of the above principles, do not take it too hard and choose your favorite option.
Frequently asked questions about buying a ring based on the shape of your fingers
What ring is more suitable for small and delicate hands?
Small circles, prongs, and oval or heart-shaped stones are more suitable for fingers with short straps.
What model should be suitable ring for wide fingers?
Look for rings that have a marquee, wide oval, rectangular or emerald-cut stone - slender stones help narrow, wide fingers be seen. Rings that have several stones in a cluster or large round stones are also suitable for wide fingers. Try to choose a ring that has a thick or medium ring.
What model of engagement ring should you buy for a long and thin finger?
Rings with princess-cut jewels and round-cut stones are suitable for long and narrow fingers.
What finger is suitable for a ring with a pear jewel?
Pear-shaped stones help the fingers to look long and long, so they are suitable for short and slender fingers.